THE GALE is an entirely improvised comedy show which premiered on the world famous Groundlings stage in 2015 and has been selling out monthly performances ever since. Created by Groundlings main company member Chris Eckert, developed by Holly Mandel, and directed by Groundlings alumni Karen Maruyama, The GALE features some of the best and funniest queer (or LGBTQ) improvisational actors in the United States. Each show runs roughly 90 minutes and features two acts, the first a long form ‘clap in’ style, the second a long form version of a one act play. Members of The GALE have been featured in film, television, and on Broadway. Guests have included talents such as Academy Award winner Jim Rash, Chelsea Lately’s Fortune Feimster, Emmy winner Bruce Villanch, Savage Garden’s Darren Hayes, and Superstore’s Nico Santos. Every month, we get together and celebrate all the joyously queer things about the world. Why then, you might ask, do we title our show after a sometimes destructive weather pattern?

…Because queer folk have historically disrupted the normal ‘patterns’ of society, and often for the better. Be it Leonardo DaVinci or RuPaul, Martha P. Johnson or Harvey Milk, Ellen DeGeneres or Pedro Zamora, we’re constantly breaking through glass ceilings and using the shards to create intricate chandeliers of change, lighting the way for the next generation. That was way too many metaphors. By the way, did you know DaVinci spent his free time drawing erotic doodles?  When he wasn’t inventing, he was drawing dicks. Look that shit up. 



a very strong wind. 
“While walking home from The Gale, Martha was blown away by an actual gale and landed on top of Fubar.”
a burst of sound, especially of laughter. 
“While watching The Gale, Jeffrey collapsed into gales of laughter and made his Bumble date uncomfortable.”

    But back to The GALE. A percentage of every performance is donated to various non-profit organizations that champion the continuing quest to protect and defend civil rights. Every performance highlights and provides a brief history on an icon of the LGBTQ movement. And every performance features 90 minutes of gut busting comedy for our audience, be they queer or straight, or Travis from Houston, who’s somewhere in the middle and still figuring it out so please stop asking. We hope you can come see us. If you can’t, we still love you all the same.